Fertilysis Hysteroscopy & Uterine Antibiotic Wash program

Combining advanced diagnostic techniques with novel treatment methods is crucial for addressing infertility. In the context of an abnormal endometrial microbiome and possible Chronic Endometritis, Diagnostic Hysteroscopy with Uterine Antibiotic Washes allows for direct visualization and assessment of the uterine cavity, helping to identify and treat inflammation and infections, that may contribute to infertility.

Why should Hysteroscopy & Uterine Antibiotic Washes be incorporated into your treatment protocol?

Your Fertilysis Microbiome result may be telling us that you suffer from Chronic Endometritis:

Imbalances of the endometrial microbiome which are detectable by the FERTILYSIS Female Microbiome test, have been linked to Chronic Endometritis (CE), a condition that can cause implantation failure, recurrent pregnancy loss, and unexplained infertility.

But how does a Diagnostic Hysteroscopy help in addressing a persistent abnormal endometrial microbiome and why combining the procedure with Uterine Antibiotic Washes, can effectively clear Chronic Endometritis - a common yet overlooked cause of infertility?

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy allows for direct visualization and assessment of the uterine cavity, helping to identify inflammation, infections, or structural abnormalities that may contribute to infertility. This is particularly important in cases of CE, a persistent condition that complicates management and leads to infertility. Incorporating Diagnostic Hysteroscopy and Uterine Antibiotic Washes into your treatment protocol addresses both the microbiome imbalances and the chronic inflammation of the uterus, significantly improving the chances of successful conception and pregnancy outcomes. Also, recent studies have shown that combining uterine antibiotic washes with oral antibiotic administration (OAA) has shown significant improvements in treatment success rates in cases of persistent infection. For women with recurrent implantation failure or recurrent pregnancy loss, this combined therapy not only enhanced treatment effectiveness but also increased clinical pregnancy rates without additional side effects associated with prolonged oral antibiotic use.


• A highly effective approach for treating microbiome imbalances and chronic uterine inflammation

• For recurrent implantation failure or pregnancy loss, this therapy improves effectiveness and clinical outcomes

• Boosts conception chances and promotes healthier pregnancy outcomes

• Combining uterine washes and oral antibiotics improves treatment success rates in cases of persistent inflammation

How the procedure works?

A diagnostic office hysteroscopy is performed by our hysteroscopy/endometritis expert without need for anesthesia other than oral painkillers or topical anesthetic. You will be able to watch the procedure and our OB/GYN will explain what you are seeing on the screen during the process. The procedure takes less than 10 min with a little discomfort (it varies between patients). It is a safe procedure, without any significant complications, and you can resume normal activities immediately after. The best time to have a hysteroscopy is between the 7th and 9th day of your cycle and you need to be sure that you are not pregnant (through testing prior to the procedure if needed). Following the procedure, you will be sent a video of the procedure to be able to evaluate the progress of the treatment in the future and to be able to show it to another specialist if you would like a second opinion. Based on your results, we proceed with the first uterine antibiotic wash, followed by additional washes to complete the treatment.

Stay & Cost.

Depending on the results of your initial hysteroscopy the exact number of uterine antibiotic washes and treatment plan will be decided upon through a discussion between you and our doctor, based on the findings. The number of treatments may vary depending on the extent of the problem. An average of 5-6 washes is common but in more severe cases the doctor may recommend more treatments as needed.

For more information and appointments, drop us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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FERTILYSIS, specializes in the investigation and treatment of unexplained infertility and recurrent miscarriages, providing answers where standard practices fail.


Argyroupoleos 1, Argyroupoli, 16451,

Athens, Greece

+30 210 9920 274

[email protected]




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