FERTILYSIS FEMALE MICROBIOME: A new perspective over female reproductive health.

    A unique method which overcomes the disadvantages of the current methods and stands as a real breakthrough in infertility diagnosis by detecting Chronic, Hidden or Silent infections with detrimental effects on your fertility.

    Tests for infections by more than 25 different species and groups of bacteria, yeast including a special virus panel of CMV, EBV, HSV-1, HSV-2 and HHV-6, ensuring a detailed assessment of your microbiome status.

    FERTILYSIS Female Microbiome


    Self-collectable, non-invasive & painless sampling method

    No doctor's referral

    Menstrual blood & 2 vaginal swabs

    Storage in the freezer. Shipping at ambient temperature

    Results in 10 business days

    Time matters! FastTrack Results.

    Your time matters because your journey should always be a priority, every step of the way.

    Fertilysis FastTrack Results stand as a commitment to remove barriers and redefine timelines. Get your test results in 5 working days expedited, from the day your sample reaches us, instead of the standard processing time.


    If you are struggling with infertility and feel you haven’t been getting convincing answers, the Fertilysis Female microbiome is our 1st go-to test for unexplained infertility. It allows easy and early detection, diagnosis & treatment of Endometritis, Vaginitis & microbiome dysbiosis, all of which have been strongly associated with female reproductive system pathologies & infertility, RIF, RPL, chemical pregnancies and serious complications of the 2nd & 3rd trimesters.

    The Role of a Healthy Baby-friendly Microbiome

    A healthy pregnancy requires maintaining a "baby-friendly" uterine environment, achieved through an ideal microbiome dominated by beneficial Lactobacilli. These friendly normal bacteria act as guardians, fortifying the endometrial barrier, altering pH to prevent pathogens, and stimulating antimicrobial peptide production. They also preserve tight junction integrity, promote mucus production, and regulate essential processes like inflammation and hormone production.

    A healthy microbiome contributes to immune system regulation, facilitating a transition towards an anti-inflammatory, baby-friendly environment that supports pregnancy.

    The Abnormal (Dysbiotic) Microbiome

    Α Dysbiotic uterus may cause a transition from an immunologically baby-friendly anti-inflammatory environment, towards a toxic, proinflammatory environment which can be hostile to the embryo, promoting the Th1 response. This dysregulation is characterized by production of proinflammatory cytokines such as interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), TNF-α and interleukin-2 (IL-2) and induces activation and proliferation of cytotoxic T cells and macrophages. Typically involved in defense against viral infections, intracellular bacteria, and tumors, a dysregulation of Th1 responses can contribute to autoimmune disease, chronic inflammation and immunologically-mediated pregnancy loss.


    Microbiome & Chronic endometritis (CE)

    This silent condition involves persistent uterine inflammation due to bacterial pathogens and an abnormal Endometrial microbiome. It is extremely common to go completely without symptoms and for this reason, CE often remains underdiagnosed. It can make successful implantation challenging or even impossible, leading to implantation failure, chemical pregnancies, and recurrent miscarriage. Some uterine infections may even be directly toxic for the embryo or cause infections of the fetus and chorioamnionitis during later stages of pregnancy, with very serious, often devastative complications.

    Α Dysbiotic uterus may cause a transition from an immunologically baby-friendly anti-inflammatory environment, towards a toxic, proinflammatory environment which can be hostile to the embryo, promoting the Th1 response. This dysregulation is characterized by production of proinflammatory cytokines such as interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), TNF-α and interleukin-2 (IL-2) and induces activation and proliferation of cytotoxic T cells and macrophages. Typically involved in defense against viral infections, intracellular bacteria, and tumors, a dysregulation of Th1 responses can contribute to autoimmune disease, chronic inflammation and immunologically-mediated pregnancy loss.

    Consider Fertilysis Female Microbiome test:

    If you experience primary or secondary infertility, naturally or through IVF with:

    • Implantation failure
    • Chemical pregnancies
    • Early or recurrent miscarriages
    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Pregnancy complications of the 2nd & 3rd trimesters
    • Failed IVF cycles with own or donor eggs
    • Failed IVF cycles with PGS normal embryos

    When experiencing symptoms such as:

    • Abnormal vaginal discharge
    • Unusual vaginal odor
    • Itching or irritation in the genital area
    • Pain or discomfort during urination or sexual intercourse
    • Abnormal bleeding between periods

    When you have been diagnosed with:

    • Blocked tubes of hydrosalpinx
    • Positive CD138 biopsy test
    • Confirmed or suspected Endometritis
    • Confirmed or suspected Endometriosis
    • Recurrent Vaginitis, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) or UTIs
    • PID

    And proactively when:

    • You have a low ovarian reserve and are pressed for time
    • You have few valuable embryos and want to prevent losing them due to an underlying infertility factor which could have been prevented.
    • You want to have a surrogate tested to increase success rates
    • Seeking preventive testing for optimal reproductive health even if not trying to conceive presently.

    The Fertilysis Microbiome test aims to thoroughly analyze the uterine and vaginal microbiomes, identify any imbalances or dysbiosis, and intervene therapeutically. This involves eliminating pathogenic infections, restoring optimal levels of Lactobacilli, and promoting a healthy microbiota to ensure a favorable environment for pregnancy.

    Once we have your results, we will take into consideration the combined data from both your uterine and vaginal microbiomes and assess their clinical significance in order to provide you with a diagnosis and its clinical significance level.

    If you have a Fertility Specialist:

    • If therapeutical intervention is recommended, on your comprehensive report you will find personalized suggestions for antibiotics, probiotics, antivirals, antifungals, and more, which you can then discuss with your doctor or IVF or fertility specialist.
    • Following the completion of treatment, retesting may be recommended to assess the efficacy of the interventions and ensure the restoration of a balanced and healthy microbiome. This comprehensive approach, under the guidance of your healthcare provider, aims to optimize your reproductive health and fertility outcomes.
    • Keep in mind that if requested, we can work with your fertility Specialist to provide assistance with test result interpretation and treatments. Your doctor may feel free to contact us for any required additional information.

    If you don’t have a Fertility Specialist:

    • For those seeking additional interpretation, clinical advice, or direct prescription services, we offer a follow-up online consultation for a small fee, to discuss your results together, prescribe treatments and if needed, plan your next steps and strategy together.
    • If you prefer a more in-person approach and you like travel, we will be very happy to have you visit us in our clinic in Athens for an appointment, more testing and specialized treatments.
    For Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), Vaginal Dysbiosis & UTIs.

    FERTILYSIS Vaginal Microbiome

    • Vaginal Microbiome Testing
    • 27 pathogens detected (STIs, Opportunistic, Fungi & normal microflora)
    • Basic Virus Testing
    • HSV-1
    • HSV-2
    For Chronic Endometritis, Microbiome Dysbiosis linked to inferitlity.

    FERTILYSIS Female Microbiome

    • FERTILYSIS Female Microbiome: Vaginal
    • Uterine Microbiome Testing
    • Extended Virus Testing
    • HSV-1
    • HSV-2
    • EBV
    • CMV
    • HHV-6
    For complete evaluation of both partners microbiomes.

    FERTILYSIS Couples Microbiome

    • FERTILYSIS Female Microbiome
    • Male Microbiome Testing
    • 35 pathogens detected (STIs, fungi, transit microflora & BV-Associated microbes)
    • Extended Virus Testing
    • HSV-1
    • HSV-2
    • EBV
    • CMV
    • HHV-6
    • Bundle Savings: 130 EUR



    Place your order online and get the FERTILYSIS box delivered at your home. 


    Follow our instructions to collect your samples and ship them back to us for analysis.


    Receive your easy to understand results including treatment suggestions in just a few days via email. 

    Is your infertility really ‘’unexplained’’ or are you still undiagnosed?If you have been struggling with infertility and haven’t been getting convincing answers, chances are you are still missing a piece of the puzzle.

    Did you receive treatment? Retest to confirm.

    Retesting is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of your treatment and making necessary adjustments. It allows us to determine if the treatment was effective or needs to be repeated, preventing recurring infections. Through careful reevaluation, we ensure that your personalized treatment plan remains effective. Additionally, it helps to identify any microbiome imbalances that may have arisen post-treatment. Consequently, it is recommended that the retesting occurs no later than 1 – 2 months following completion of treatment, and, in any case, it should take place no longer than 6 months from the initial test.


    Female Microbiome Retest


    These our the most common questions regarding this panel.

    If you have more, please refer to our Q&A page.

    Where should I store my samples until pick-up?

    Menstrual Blood Sample: Freezer.

    Vaginal Swabs: Freezer.

    Semen Sample for Male Microbiome: Freezer.

    Semen Sample for DFI analysis: Refrigerator.

    Peripheral Blood Samples: Room temperature.

    Can I use a menstrual cup for menstrual blood collection?

    Sure, you can use a menstrual cup to collect your sample; however, remember not to leave the cup for more than 1-2 hours, as there may be a risk of sample contamination.

    What is the difference between FERTILYSIS Female Microbiome & FERTILYSIS Female Microbiome: Vaginal?

    There are 2 differences between our Full and our Vaginal microbiome panels. The full version of our Female Microbiome panel, investigates both uterine and vaginal microbiomes, providing a full view on the female microbiome status and not “half the story” if we only tested the uterine or the vaginal one. It allows easy and early detection, diagnosis & treatment of Endometritis, Vaginitis, Bacterial Vaginosis & Microbiome Dysbiosis, all of which have been strongly associated with female reproductive system pathologies & infertility, RIF, RPL, chemical pregnancies and serious complications of the 2nd & 3rd trimesters. It detects 27 pathogens (STIs, fungi & normal microflora) and includes an extended virus panel detecting CMV, EBV, HSV-1, HSV-2, and HHV-6. The vaginal version of our Fertilysis microbiome focuses on the assessment of vaginal microbiome only, through vaginal swabs. It allows detection, diagnosis & treatment of Vaginitis, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) & Vaginal Dysbiosis. While these conditions along with lower genital tract inflammation have links to infertility, miscarriage, and pregnancy complications, this test solely focuses on the vaginal microbiome. We reserve this panel for women with symptoms such as abnormal discharge, odor, genital itching, discomfort during urination or sex, or a history of recurrent vaginitis, BV, and urinary tract infections (UTIs). It includes basic STI/opportunistic infection testing, fungi & normal microflora and a simple herpes virus infection testing (HSV-1 & HSV-2).

    Ιs it possible to do this test if I live in the USA?

    Absolutely! Our tests are accessible worldwide, allowing you to conveniently perform them from the comfort of your home, regardless of your location. We ship worldwide!

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    FERTILYSIS, specializes in the investigation and treatment of unexplained infertility and recurrent miscarriages, providing answers where standard practices fail.


    Argyroupoleos 1, Argyroupoli, 16451,

    Athens, Greece

    +30 210 9920 274

    [email protected]




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