Ferilysis Frequently Asked Questions

About the fertilysis Female Microbiome testing

According to our instructions, depending on your geographical area, the preservative may not be required!

About the fertilysis inflamation index

The Inflammation Index is not included in the FERTILYSIS Female Microbiome: Full. You will need to order it separately.

About the fertilysis Male microbiome testing

The FERTILYSIS Male Microbiome tests can detect more than 35 pathogens (STIs, fungi & normal microflora) and includes an extended virus panel detecting CMV, EBV, HSV-1, HSV-2, and HHV-6 in a self-collected, mail-ordered semen sample. Compared to conventional testing, the FERTILYSIS Male Microbiome panel is a more sensitive and quantitative method of molecular analysis that provides a detailed analysis of the seminal microbiota, allowing new potential targets for therapeutic intervention and personalized treatment.

About the Fertilysis DNA fragmentation Analysis (DFI)

The DFI preservative should be stored in the freezer until you use it.

About the Fertilysis Reproductive Immunology

No. The test requires only female peripheral blood samples as it focuses on the mother's immune system.

How it works

We realize that there might be a long waiting period until your free consultation scheduled appointment. Therefore, we implemented an oriented, easy and prompt way to help us decide together which Fertilysis test is the right one for you and guide you through the process of performing it. You can get your test suggestions by answering the questions you will find on our ''Help me choose'' section. This is a focused way to understand better your case and your fertility history. Our medical team with Dr. Venieratos will carefully review your answers, study your case, and send your a tailored Testing plan!

Order & Shipping

To cancel your order, you can email us at [email protected]. As per our Order Cancellation/Refund policy, to receive a refund for an unused FERTILYSIS box, you must notify us within thirty (30) days of placing your order. In case your sample has already been received by FERTILYSIS and processing has begun you are not eligible for a refund. If you request a refund, we will refund the balance of the total purchase price after subtracting your shipping and handling charges of 30 Euro. To see our full cancellation and refund policy, please see our terms and conditions.

Follow Up Consultation/Prescription

In this case you should choose the option ''Follow Up Consultation & Antibiotic Prescription and Treatment Plan (based on the FERTILYSIS microbiome and R.I. tests results) (290€).

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FERTILYSIS, specializes in the investigation and treatment of unexplained infertility and recurrent miscarriages, providing answers where standard practices fail.


Argyroupoleos 1, Argyroupoli, 16451,

Athens, Greece

+30 210 9920 274

[email protected]




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